Student Life
Student government, performing arts, service learning, athletics, and other extra-curricular events are all important components of student life at PHS, from the Elementary School through High School.
A broad and diverse range of activities, clubs, and initiatives enrich our students’ lives. Many are student led. These activities give students the chance to develop leadership and life skills, build friendships, and grow as individuals. We are very proud of the range and depth PHS offers beyond the classroom and of the passion and commitment shown by the students participating in these activities.
Student Government
Student Government provides leadership opportunities for interested students. Members respond to student issues while learning to debate ideas, form coalitions, and reach consensus. Student Government at PHS organizes activities that promote school spirit, building a community that endeavors to appreciate and include everyone. Student Government members work with students, faculty, staff, parents, and administrators to plan and coordinate activities.
Student Government is led by a president, a vice-president and 2 representatives from each grade, elected by students every spring (with the exception of first-year representatives, who are elected shortly after fall classes begin). Student Government leaders meet frequently with the Principal and senior teachers and staff, communicating and sharing ideas to help ensure the PHS community maintains a dynamic and vital academic and social environment.