What is Online School?
Schools have developed virtual classes that students can take from home or anywhere else that has an Internet connection. The teachers work remotely and have a structured curriculum for their online students to follow. Some students will only have one or two fully online classes and others work on the assignments that have been assigned to them for the week. Online learning is sometimes called distance learning. You may also hear online schools referred to as virtual schools.
What role do parents play in online schools?
Online learning is not the same thing as homeschooling. But parents of online students should be ready to take an active role in their child’s education.
Through the online school, PHS needs parents to take on the role of in-person “learning coach.” Parental involvement will be especially important with the elementary school. In doing distance learning online, parents can help their children and teachers by:
– Understanding their child’s specific educational requirements
– Setting aside a specific time each day for their child to work on their online classwork
– Identifying challenges such as online curriculum barriers
– Interacting with school personnel
– Helping their child stay engaged in online lessons
Moodle is our new Learning Management Solution. We use moodle in order to do more online interaction between teachers and students.
Moodle is a platform for online learning that enables teachers to create e-courses, add assignments, and keep an eye on your students’ progress. It also allows you to communicate with the students and encourage communication between them in forums and discussions.
In Moodle, a teacher has responsibility for the materials in their own course. The IT department manages all the operations in regards to setting up a configuration, adding courses, adding teachers and students, authentication and enrollment.
The purpose of using Moodle is to help PHS teachers and students better interact virtually while fulfilling the curriculum requirements.
In cases when PHS is required to do its school’s operation virtually moodle will be our main LMS solution for Online School.
Any moodle related tasks, questions or issues should be addresses with IT Department through [email protected]
Here are some of the websites and resources that our teachers use to help our student’s education progress ongoing: