COVID-19 Safety Precaution Measures based on the Ministry of Education Guidelines
As per the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science, our School Task Force has taken all the necessary measures to prepare a safe learning environment for our students.
As you are preparing to come starting from Tuesday, September 15, please take note of the following safety precautions:
1. All children, parents and staff are required to keep the minimum distance of 1.5m.
2. All students, teachers and staff are required to keep their masks on at all times.
3. Students and children are required to regularly wash hands and use hand disinfection.
4. All the children who are traveling by school transport, should have their temperature checked by the driver before getting on the bus.
5. We would also recommend that parents check the students’ temperature before departing for school.
6. All students, teachers and staff will have their temperature checked prior to entering the school building.
7. If someone shows symptoms of Covid-19 they will be relocated to the Nurse’s Office until the parents or guardians arrive.
8. No adults other than PHS staff are allowed to enter the school premises at any time during school hours.
9. All parent/teacher/principal meetings must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance and will most likely be held virtually in order to respect government regulations.
10. ES Students will be on-site every day from 8:00 – 2:50 with drop-off between 7:30 -7:50.
11. MS Students will be on-site every day from 7:45 – 3:15 with drop-off between 7:30 -7:50.
12. HS Students will be on an alternative schedule with core content classes on-site two days per week and elective classes offered online.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon,
PHS Task Force and the Academic Team
COVID-19 Masat e sigurisë bazuar në udhëzimet e Ministrisë së Arsimit
Sipas kërkesës së Ministrisë së Arsimit dhe Shkencës, Task Forca e shkollës sonë ka marrë të gjitha masat e nevojshme për të përgatitur një mjedis të sigurt mësimi për nxënësit tanë.
Gjersa jeni duke u përgatitur që të vini në shkollë nga e Marta, 15 shtator, ju lutemi merrni parasysh masat e mëposhtme të sigurisë:
1. Të gjithë fëmijëve, prindërve dhe stafit u kërkohet të mbajnë distancën minimale prej 1.5m.
2. Të gjithë nxënësve, mësimdhënësve dhe stafit u kërkohet të mbajnë maskat e tyre gjatë gjithë kohës.
3. Nxënësve u kërkohet të pastrojnë dhe dezinfektojnë duart rregullisht.
4. Të gjithë fëmijët që udhëtojnë me transport shkollor, temperatura e tyre duhet të kontrollohet nga shoferi para se të hipin në autobus.
5. Ne gjithashtu do të rekomandonim që prindërit të kontrollojnë temperaturën e fëmijëve para se të nisen për në shkollë.
6. Të gjithë nxënësve, mësuesve dhe stafit do t’u kontrollohet temperatura para se të hyjnë në ndërtesën e shkollës.
7. Nëse ndonjë nxënës shfaq simptoma të Covid-19 ata do të dërgohen pranë Zyrës së Infermieres së shkollës derisa të vijnë prindërit ose kujdestarët.
8. Asnjë i rritur përveç personelit të PHS nuk lejohet të hyjë në ambientin e shkollës në çdo kohë gjatë orëve të mësimit.
9. Të gjitha takimet e prindërve / mësuesve / drejtorëve të departamenteve duhet të caktohen të paktën 24 orë përpara dhe ato do të mbahen praktikisht në mënyrë që të respektohen rregulloret e qeverisë.
10. Nxënësit e shkollës fillore do të jenë në shkollë çdo ditë nga ora 8:00 – 14:50 me periudhe pranimi nga ora 7:30 – 7: 50.
11. Nxënësit e shkollës së mesme të ulët do të jenë në shkollë çdo ditë nga ora 7:45:00 – 15:15 me pranim nga ora 7:30 – 7: 50.
12. Nxënësit e shkollës së mesme do të jenë prezent në shkollë me një orar alternativ në lëndët thelbësore dy ditë në javë dhe lëndët zgjedhore do të mbahen në distancë/online.
Mezi presim të ju shohim së shpejti në shkollë,
Task Forca dhe Ekipi Akademik i PHS
Grow and Thrive in a Healthy and Safe Environment
The health and well-being of our students and employees is vitally important to our school. We offer various services for the safety and well-being of our students and staff.
School Nurse
We have a registered nurse available on campus daily to support the needs of all members of the school.
Bullying, harassment, or intimidation of any student on school property or at a school-sponsored functions or by the use of electronic technology is prohibited at Prishtina High School. Such behaviors are contrary to our school life, which respects the dignity and uniqueness of all of our children. To foster a school environment where all students are educated in a safe and caring atmosphere, PHS staff follows procedures for prevention and intervention.
Students engaging in behavior that threatens or is likely to substantially disrupt or adversely affect the school-related environment for students or significantly impacts the interest of students or the school community are subject to disciplinary action.
Students, parents, and employees are responsible for reporting incidents of bullying, harassment, intimidation, or retaliation.

Prishtina High School monitors air quality throughout the year by reference to readings taken on site using an AQI monitor. Due to the school’s location in a non-industrial, residential area, the PHS readings are always significantly lower than the Prishtina average which can be accessed in real time at the following Air Quality Index (AQI)
PHS conducts DDD twice per school year to assure the prevention of any viral infection.

The safety and security of our students and employees is of utmost importance. Administration, faculty and staff train on safety procedures before the opening of school each fall, as well as participate in ongoing training throughout the school year.Students participate in safety education including fire and lock down drills.
In addition to our trained personnel, our campus is equipped with
– High-end monitored security
– Fire detection
– Security window film
– Intercom systems
– Gate systems. All doors and entrances are locked throughout the day. The building has one designated single point of entry during school hours.
– Video surveillance in each school building and on school campuses.
– Visitors must be cleared prior to entry. The school uses a double-buzz entry system that allows for increased visibility of visitors and an extra level of security prior to granting visitors entry to the building.
Furthermore, PHS requires of all employees, volunteers, and contractors Background Checks, and an ID Based Screening System for all guests.
– Four Fire Drills and Two Lock Down Drills are practiced by students and staff during the school year.
– First Aid Training for staff provided by professional trainers
– Yearly review and evaluation of School Safety Strategies
Prishtina High School is among the first PreK-12 schools in the region to offer Web Content Filtering Protection for our students.
Next Generation Firewall Internet filters is software that prevents computer and mobile devices users from accessing certain websites. They are predominantly used to block content considered inappropriate, computer advanced malware, and known and unknown computer network threats.
Since we are an American-based school, we intend to be as compliant as possible with the American Law (U.S. D.E PTAC) when it comes to usage of the internet and technology in general. We want our students to be fully concentrated on their studies and self-development, and have the ability to build strong character and personal integrity. Our aim is to make our school a safe environment for all students, and make sure that parents feel secure about where their children spend the majority of their day.
With the new Web Filtering Technology in place, we believe that PHS has become a safe place that ensures what we are making available to the students is appropriate for them and their personal development.
Through our Web Filtering Technology platform we have three main filtering mechanisms:
-The Blacklist Mechanism checks each request to visit a website against the lists of websites known to contain imagery connected to computer malware.
-Category Filters Mechanism is set to block access to certain categories of websites.
-Keyword Filters Mechanism blocks access to websites with a high percentage of inappropriate keywords likely to cause offense.
We strongly believe that this is one of the tools that will help us achieve our mission in order to prepare our students to be responsible citizens and active learners.
Inclement Weather
Prishtina High School may be closed all day, may delay its opening, or may dismiss early because of inclement weather (snow, ice, fog, excessive heat, etc.). In the event of such weather, parents should be mindful of the following:
- Freezing temperatures and the prospect of slick roads may prompt us to cancel classes or open late.
- The PHS Community shall be informed via email and the school’s social media posts.
Safety Reporting
Should you have any questions, please direct your attention to Valdet Ibishi, Logistics and Security Manager at [email protected].